2013 Year in Review & Change
Ok, so you would think that 2012 was enough of a trip and
that perhaps since I found a place of rest, that my energy would be a little
slower… Yeah, that’s what happens alright!
2012 ended with a number of exciting events that involved
both my creative and personal life. As I began painting and reading myself for
the Opening of CC Gallery here in Paducah Kentucky, I also found myself engaged
in authoring both my second book, The Unbroken Path and the Screenplay for
Norma Jean’s Sun. Of which both are still in development and yet to be
complete. More about that in a moment, but for now, I will say that the year
2012 ended with the Painting Phoenix gaining notice as the center piece in
Fountain Avenue Methodists Holiday Display and rolled into 2013 with much
“Phoenix” 2012 –
Acrylic on Canvas – www.kriscourtney.com
The collection of artistry that I found myself producing, gained
inspiration and movement from my personal life and my creative energy this year.
As many of you who have followed my path know, I live a transparent life and
that over the last year left me in a vulnerable position with a lover that tore
through my heart and daily affairs. I swore to myself once that I would never
allow myself to feel that much pain over a failed attempt at love, yet even in
my years of trial and error, I found myself both pulled & used in an affair
that truly left me bleeding … So what do I do, I create a painting that becomes
my fastest selling original to date and was purchased off the easel literally
the hour I put the brush down …
In the lessons learned though, the failed relationship
continued to appear on my doorstep and the pain associated took a while for
this old man to heal. It has been through the guidance of love from others who
care for my sanity, welfare and spirit that I am ever so grateful for the hours
of talk and inspiration to come terms with the truth of what my part in a very
narcissistic and perverse game where I played the fool and the toy… However, as
I have always spoken to others when asked to consult – Never allow the pain of
your Past to Control your Future! Speak the truth, present the truth and live
with the results! My only regret is the harm that was done to others by this
individual and the extent of the illness at which I was too blind to see. I was
in love with a person incapable of loving through a personality disorder
illness that I could not understand. I found great empathy in my view of what I
carry a visible disability, theirs cannot be seen except through events and
knowledge – God’s Healing Grace
SO in preparation to the Opening of CC Gallery, an entire
collection of New Art was created including a couple of noted items. The
following images are all new works created just for the May 18th,
2013 Show! Also pictured are selected paintings just created this year …
These works along with previous originals were on display
during the Lowertown Arts & Music Festival on May 18th as I
opened CC Gallery at 6th & Harrison in Paducah KY. This
festival, more of a craft & music party, included artists and talent that
happen to include Garcia & Scott! Serendipity …
Yep, that’s them, dear friends Gary & Dalia (
garciaandscott.com ) whom we all ventured from the Jewel of artistry, Oxford
Ohio. What a Serendipitous event of traveling across country to only find
ourselves joined together again. The stage at which Gary and Dalia performed
was literally outside my front door and when finished at 5pm, they were guest
stars attending the party. I am so blessed to have them along with a dear love
friend from Columbus Ohio, Robin who traveled for this event as well, I am
humbled at the support & love shown …
The Entire collection of Party Pictures can be seen by following
the FaceBook Album LINK:
The party attended by many, including local celebrities’
Mayor Gayle Kaler, Laura Emerson (WPSD 6TV), and local Master Acoustics
Musician Danny Granstaff, folks found refreshments and catering by Master Chef
Jay. The event also included a “Party Canvas” that later was purchased by a
local philanthropist and donated to Martha’s Vineyard Food Pantry.
Martha’s Vineyard -
Find more Info, please call: (270) 575-0021
Attending Artists included Mary Ruth “TuTu”, Ann Fraley
(Fabric & Textiles), Jannette Parent and the talent of local sculpture
Linda Ogden (Of which was very ‘Proud gentleman sitting) All who attended found
the display amusing in jest. The Native American Jewelry, Ink Prints, Hand
Crafted items and the collage talents of TuTu gave compliment to the
arrangement of originals on loan as well. These originals included “Over Easy,
Santa Fe” (Shipped from New Mexico), “Mirror” (Which Sold during the Show), and
“Par Fore” & “Siesta” on loan from a private collection out of Ohio. The newly
created painting “Yule Tide” also sold during show. Special shout out to Lana
Sirk & Family …
Although there are many people to thank for the support and
encouragement of my 2nd Gallery Opening, I must extend a couple
genuine thank you to those who made it possible. Dan Babenco, Julie Hart,
Christine Granstaff (who also provided chair massage) and her Husband Danny who
provided the musical entertainment, and the Patrons who purchased Originals –
Bless you …
“Cross of Fire” is a
Commission that I was asked to present this year to a family who had the very
core of the family pulled and burned out from under the very ground they stood.
As a family watched their home burn to the ground, I was over whelmed with
gratitude when asked to create a symbol for the new home. The request was that
to bring strength and abstract view of God’s Power and as the house that burned
failed to qwench their fire for life, so does this image give rise to His Glory
… This painting hung inside the Gallery Show as well and became a focal point
for many conversations.
A note here about what I
found in this exhibit. Although the area art community is more of a fabric and
craft environment, I was very glad that for this day, those who attended were
able to enjoy Fine Art, Music, Fellowship and Pleasure in my Talents and others
who presented …. Including an Invite by Mayor Kaler to submit work by Jannette
and myself to a Mayoral 4th of July Celebration for the City
Government of Paducah Kentucky. This show was proudly displayed in City Hall
and included a print (AP002) of “ACT” This now makes the 2nd high
profile government installation that this painting has now been featured. As
many of you know , the original print was accepted and “proudly displayed” in
the US Speaker of the House Office of John Boehner. The honor is one that I
take with great pride and acknowledge the strength of the image and what it
speaks to those who view it …
As the summer began to carry
through, I have found myself at a lost for the lack of art traffic and actual
true commercial value of what is offered here. In finding this, I still have
many efforts that continue to engage my attention in authoring my second book,
“The Unbroken Path” and the screenplay of Norma Jean’s Sun. Both of which are
still in development and have drawn an Ebb & Flo reaction from my
creativity and efforts. I reach a point of surrender in writing and will
retract back to the canvas for a while and then find myself with new energy to
write, it’s a process that I am following eagerly. Although the original goal
was to have the screenplay well advanced by now, it continues to stay relative
to a timeframe established in Santa Fe by those of us involved …
In light of that, this
“Editors Release” was published on December 15th, 2009. And no
different than previous Year in Review letters, I am extending a Free PDF
Kindle Download of 72 hours in honor of that publication and the continued #1
bestseller ranking & reviews. In addition, this year I would also like to
offer to anyone who cares or finds interest, a Signed Author copy & modest
reduction in Gift as a show of benevolence to those who have been kind to my
journey. I would like to offer a $15 Limited Time copy to those who ask and pay
online. If interested, send payment to PayPal kriscourtney@yahoo.com
Another painting that found
great attention during the Gallery Opening was “Flossie”(named for my
grandmother by my Fans) As I do with
most places that I travel and see in this journey, I have made it a point to
allow and create an inspiring image relative to the location. Paducah, sitting
on the Ohio River in a region known as the Four Rivers, “Tow” (Tug) Boat and
Maritime traffic is based and managed through this port for many parts of the
United States. The Ingram Organization and the International Maritime Institute
(North American Seamans Church Institute) North Americas largest maritime
service. As the result of a Benevolent Gift from the Original owener of this
painting, “Flossie” is now a permanent asset to the collection and proudly
displayed in the main building, availble for viewing …
SO here I am, summer has fallen and winter appears too soon.
My path in Paducah has been a challenge and yet all in the same, I have found
people to be of warm spirit once known. But in that, I am quickly finding
direction that leads away from here. Last year, I told you that I was finally
able to “UnPack” for the first time in a couple years, which time of change has
returned. I committed when I began a 5 year window of artistry, creativity and
exploration to travel for the purpose of what God’s path reveals. Although at
times I suffer from unrest, my desire remains loyal to my artistry. I have
found that part of my soul hungry and need of nourishment above what this area
has provided. The need may change in time, as it always will. But today, I am
pulled to search again. Ultimately, I do not want to be cast upon a porch
asking myself, why … I came to Paducah 5 years ago and 3 times after before
moving. Although the experience is exactly that, experience. I seriously would
not put this on my destination list and should have followed my first instinct
3 years ago and traveled past. But as with most choices, hind sight appears
with clarity. I have some dear friends here as a result, and for that – I am
Health wise, this past year has been a bit of a struggle,
perhaps more mental than physical. I have learned a lot about people this year,
more so than I suspected. I placed my hand on the hot stove more than once
before understanding; life learned the hard way again. My heart is open, my
love is still clean and life transparent. However, I do find myself guarded
more than before, callus to the trust and vacant from the acceptance. An ideal
of love purely given is truly of Divine is perhaps doubted more than
previously. A view I strive to ignore and take great comfort in knowing this
alley of shadows has kept me shielded from the winds. A year of devotion to
God’s Church harvested little yet granted me much more than anticipated. A day
of Grace, a view of an Angel from a distance, a taste of tenderness and a
breathe of hope that you also can find your strength, that is what I am wishing
you this Holiday. A season of change that will grant you inspiration of love,
truth and trust in that change will be Okay…
See you all next year from my new destination and hope your
travels are safe, Bless you - Kris
Norma Jean's Sun, Memoir by Kris Courtney
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