Saturday, November 28, 2009

Norma Jean's Sun, Editor's Release

Norma Jean's Sun
True Story Memoir by Kris Courtney

Cincinnati, OH, December 2009: Available for immediate purchase; nationally distributed through Miraculous tale of how a boy, born into unimaginable physical and emotional pain and destined to be a misfit, finds his way in a world of “others.” Few could survive so many torturous years of surgical intervention and a ensuing lifelong struggle with drugs and alcohol addiction and come out ahead. This moving tale reveals not only the struggle and heartrending elements of generational lives “gone wrong,” but also the love and growth of a human being overcoming the odds and determined to find a way to live life to the fullest. Based on a true story, the author’s unapologetic prose prompts enduring ethical questions and makes a gripping, personal read.

This newly edited release of Norma Jean's Sun will certainly exceed expectations. The story is not only convincingly true, but will rivet the reader with its genuine and unassuming pathos. Norma Jean's Sun is painfully reflective yet ultimately hopeful, a story told through the eyes of a boy who believes he has been mistakenly born into the world and a man who conquers physical and emotional injustice--and thrives. The reader will be challenged to answer the difficult questions of right and wrong as they may apply to his or her own life. It is clear that it is the hope of this author that the reader's conclusions will lead to a more fulfilled view of the "parallel beauty that lives just beneath the surface for us all."

An artist in spirit and gift, Kris Courtney has lived much of his life in the Midwest and currently resides and works in Oxford, Ohio. Surrounded by talent and gifted students of life, he is dedicated to service and volunteer work. A percentage of the earnings from Norma Jean’s Sun book will go to research for Parkinson’s disease and Colon Cancer.

Read a portion of Norma Jean’s Sun or purchase the online eBook Kindle version on at:

To those of you who have received a complimentary book or purchased, congratulations and bless you. At the time of this posting, there are only approx. 200 books available in the Rare and not to be reproduced signed First Edition. I am so glad those of you who have been kind in your words and reviews, have encouraged my next journey. I am sure your reading will only improve from the Second Edition. I am anxious and thankful.


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