Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Gardian Angel - Norma Jean

Norma Jean's Sun, Based on a True Story

Available Online & through your Local Book Store, Ask for it by name ...

I recall when Mothers Day would allow expressions of Joy & Happiness. One such year I regained enough composure to send her a Dozen Yellow Roses, her favorite ...

Norma’s desire for a modeling or acting career had faded, but she was still a shining star. The year before, for her birthday, she’d been given the gift of a full portrait, professionally painted, to use to pursue a modeling career. Norma had become a woman, a beautiful woman, who learned early on that her grace and education, combined with God’s gift of beauty, would take her far. (Pg 30)

Even though Norma was often distracted (by what I later learned were her own fears), she was constantly attending to my needs as well as a new bride could. (Pg 127)

Her inner beauty did not take a distant second either, as light radiated from every corner of her being. 'This too shall pass...

Norma Jean's Sun Memoir ( Based on a True Story ) The story is not only convincingly true, but will rivet the reader with its genuine and unassuming pathos. It is this kind of brave honesty of confession and growing philosophy that makes the book unique. Miraculous tale of how a boy, born into unimaginable physical and emotional pain and destined to be a misfit, finds his way in a world of “others.” Few could survive so many torturous years of surgical intervention and a ensuing lifelong struggle with drugs and alcohol addiction and come out ahead. This moving tale reveals not only the struggle and heartrending elements of generational lives “gone wrong,” but also the love and growth of a human being overcoming the odds and determined to find a way to live life to the fullest. Based on a true story, the author’s unapologetic prose prompts enduring ethical questions and makes a gripping, personal read. Norma Jean's Sun is painfully reflective yet ultimately hopeful, a story told through the eyes of a boy who believes he has been mistakenly born into the world and a man who conquers physical and emotional injustice--and thrives. The reader will be challenged to answer the difficult questions of right and wrong as they may apply to his or her own life. It is clear that it is the hope of this author that the reader's conclusions will lead to a more fulfilled view of the "parallel beauty that lives just beneath the surface for us all." 

Wishing all who have lost, a Sincere Mothers Day ...

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