Ability is as Ability Does...
As written, a New Children’s Book, It’s OK Scooter™
& Released May 15th, 2015 in SW Florida) by Author & American
Artist Kris Courtney inspires
kids to look past what we do not understand to those characteristics that make
us all more alike than different! As many who fear what they do not understand
may ask; “What happened to you?” a childlike answer would serve as a familiar
response to avoid justification to being broken, “That’s just the way ‘It was
supposed to be” The word It, becomes a personal reference!
As a child
with profound disabilities that included multiple amputations, birth defects
and deformities, I began life at age 3 days confined to a full body cast and
the isolation of being different.
In my first book & personal
memoir, Norma
Jean’s Sun:
I authored a
detailed and engaging perspective of this life as a child with
disabilities. In that accounting, it was
clear that I had more messages to author and one of those would be to a younger
audience. Having a Beagle Dog named
“Scooter” as a kid, although not disabled, His
ability to Love, Forgive and Champion beyond his own life to inspire others
with complete and child-like acceptance is a message of Hope presented in this
Fictional Children’s Book!
Scooter itself in a name offers a smile to
those who read this 26 page Illustrated & Rhythmic dialogue to a journey
from the Indiana Farm on a cold and windy winter night. Born as a runt in a
litter of five, soon it is clear that Scooter was different from the rest! Not knowing what or how to adapt, Scooter is
soon taken away to a shelter and left to be forgotten… And although those of us who have daily fears
and struggle that are not taken to animal shelters to be forgotten, there are
parallels to this journey that some will relate to a more personal
emotion. And in the same light of life,
Scooter is soon rescued by the innocent gift of love offered by a child seeking
a friend. Perhaps we all can associate
to our own advocate in life that has always stood firm in our shadow, pushing
us to the front for a personal identity beyond the disability… And in that single moment of courage or
champion of task, life becomes more about Ability!
In the midst of Celebration, the reader will
continue to follow Scooter & Ginger into a life of value and coming into
their own! For this author, it
personally took me 45 years to finally become myself! As the challenge of youth, destructive
behaviors and attempts to become a defined image of normal, my life always took
on a repetitive pattern of not good enough, basic flaws or lacking the same
gifts of those who appeared to be in such warm light of a reflective life. A
mirror has always been quick to remind me of the precipice that sits just a
step away. But ultimately as with most
who cross into a life of ability, a series of events rewrite an ending to my
life and Scooters! His journey full
circle through the Seasons brings him into a place of Service & Gratitude
for a path of purpose and direction! As
those who follow will soon discover in the end, we are all more alike than we
are different! A personal lesson that
has fueled my creativity to author other perspectives related to a life
considered broken by social standards!
It’s OK Scooter™ also contains a 4 page set of coloring illustrations and biographies
of Kris Courtney & Judy Cowan Lee (Co-Illustrator). Also Contained,
the reader (Age 3-8) will discover an artistic expression through colorful
images, easy to understand language and joyful subtle messages that will leave
most with the overwhelming conclusion that “It’s
OK to be Different”
It’s OK Scooter™ - Facebook, Twitter @ItsOKScooter
Books can also be found online at Amazon & CreateSpace
For more information, please visit: www.kriscourtney.com
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Please keep content and detail related to Norma Jean's Sun and subjects associated. Thank you...